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Teri Snyder

Lead Consultant

(812) 572-1451

My Story

Thanks for visiting my personal Scentsy website! 

I am a mom to 4 daughters who are 28, 26, 23, and 13. My husband Keith is an amazing man, and we've been married for 16 years. He's the man I was waiting for and this one is going to stick!

I started Scentsy because I was always buying it and I figured why not buy from myself?! I didn't know just how much I would LOVE being a consultant. I make my own hours, which is very handy when you have kids! I'm my own boss, uhm, at least where Scentsy is concerned! My kids might feel otherwise...

Do you have any questions about me or Scentsy? Call, text, message, or email at any time.

Thanks for your support!!


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